05 September, 2008

Frost said, I said

Frost said in his poem:

two roads diverged in a wood,
and I - I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all difference.

and I made it into:

two roads diverged in a wood,
and I - I took the one less traveled by,
I took it with you
and that has made all perfect.


  1. nice blog..love is blue hhee heee.. salam kenal yach

  2. nice poem ;D
    gabung di http://forum.kendari.info ya.

  3. jd pengen ketemu sama pak robert frost. mo bilang: the road is already taken, mister. hehe.

  4. 4 iko: ya emang disengajain,hehehe...
    4 syamsoe: slm knal jg :) love is blue=peaceful
    4 try: sy asli jkt kok, cm bpk emang org bugis 'n ngasih nama sultra :D
    4 nadhif: hihihihi...(*muka tomat mode on)


jika mampir dan sempat membaca, silahkan sejenak berkomentar...terima kasih ^_^